Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Today at Enrich 31/8/11

It's another day at Enrich and that means a lot of stuff to do! We started off with a game of chess (which I won) and then got straight in to Talent Development. I did a picture of a dragons eye in Indian ink, then started a paper mache snake. Then in the afternoon I went to two workshops, one on mind mapping where we learnt how to use the mind mapping tool on the ipads. Then I went to P4C and the overall discussion was about are 'impossible things possible'? So as you can see it was a busy day at Enrich and sadly next weeks going to be as busy, if not busier!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


It's been another busy day at Enrich getting our must do/picks finished but in this post I am just going to focus on the workshop I went to on Debating. We started off warming up our quick thinking by having been told the first part of a sentence but having to finish it. For example 'School is compulsory because...'. In the debate "Human kind is good vs Human kind is bad" we talked about war, killing animals for our pleasure etc. My opinion is that there are bad and good things about human kind but since I was in the affirmative team so I only said the good things, of course!
Feel free to post a comment on your opinion on the discussions topic.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Today at Enrich 17/8/11

Yes, it is another day at Enrich, so as you would of guessed a lot more work to be done! Today I started of with a game of chess, (which I won) then went onto Talent Development. I made a dragons head out of clay which has an upper jaw which lifts off the bottom jaw and is hollow so you could store possessions in it. Then in the afternoon I did a few things to start completing the must do/picks sheet. I completed drama when I and a few others acted as a fire truck. Then I went and saw Katie to set my goals for the term. After that I went and saw Darryn to learn about the mobius strip. We got to make one for ourselves.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Talent Development

I was impressed with the ideas that you were considering in art talent development today Andrew and I will be very interested to see how this concept pans out over the next few weeks. It is pretty amazing to think that we will be putting together an exhibition for the city gallery at the end of this unit.

Week 2, Term 3

Today at Enrich for Art Talent Development we started sketching reptiles and thinking what we would like to put in the Art Gallery. I decided I would like to look at the texture of reptiles. I think I might do a box with a slot you put your hand through to feel the texture that is close to the texture of the reptile in the reptile picture(or something to that effect). So my job for over the next couple weeks is to gather up objects that have the texture of a reptile. For example a pineapple would have a good texture that might feel like a kind of reptile. I also think I could do some clay sculptures of some reptiles(and try and have a lot of texture as that is one of my main focuses). So as you see it is quite a busy day but the problem is it hasn't finished yet.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Talent Development

Today we started Talent Development. The options were storytelling, documentaries and art. I chose art. The thing we are going to focus on in art is dragons. Today we had a look at some pictures of dragons and went for a trip. On the trip we visited the museum to look at the tuatara as it is kind of a dragon. We also went to the Art Gallery as we are going to use a gallery to present our 'dragon art' to the public. It seems the is going to be a tough but fun time ahead!

Teacher Comment

Andrew you have had a great start to the year at Enrich. You have taken part in the Otago Southland chess championship and the art exhibition at the City Gallery and used your outstanding time management skills to create an Alice based earthquake safety game as your passion project that took a lot of perseverance as well as new learning. You also regularly post up dates on your blog and are always making the most of the varied learning opportunities that Enrich offers.