Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Today at Enrich 22/9/10

Today at Enrich I started experimenting with Scratch as I am moving onto Scratch next term.I finished off with Atmosphir. People from SIT came to see what we've done on Atmosphir.From SIT I learnt why Java is a good programming application. When I was experimenting with Scratch I found out a few things.For example where you would find the programming when you're wanting a character to change costumes.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Today at Enrich 15/9/10

Today at Enrich I uploaded loads of my learning onto the blog (some might be underneath this post). I also went to a workshop about Scratch (an application you use to make a game) which was run by another student at Enrich who's really good at it. After that I recorded what I learnt from the workshop and what the workshop made me wonder. We had a visit from the bus tour who were seeing what we do at Enrich

Atmosphir Pros and Cons

I evaluated the good things and the bad things about Atmosphir. There was six good things and five bad things. This helped me decide that I should now try other video game making applications to try and learn more about programming.

Computer Game Survey

This is my computer game survey. I asked people at Enrich what kind of game they like. Adventure clearly won.

New Learning From Ken

This is my new learning from when I saw the expert who came in. His name is Ken who works at SIT

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Today at enrich 8/9/10

Atmosphir is a program you can make video games on. It is a program you can easily get addicted to. There is large range of props you can choose from.Tis picture is from one of the levels of my game. Today I did the pros and cons for this programme and I decided my next steps will be to finish developing this game them I will try to make a game on scratch.

Atmosphir images

These are some images of my games I've made on Atmosphir.